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Monthly Archives: February 2017

Florida’s Economic Outlook is Bright for Entrepreneurs and Small Business

According to Florida’s Bottom Line, Florida’s economy had a solid year of growth in 2016. The Small Business & Entrepreneurship Council ranked Florida 5th in the “Small Business Policy Index 2016”. This means that Florida has some of the most policy-friendly measures for entrepreneurs and small business.  Some of the policy measures include a large range of tax, regulatory and government spending, and performance measurements. These serve to impact the overall economy of the individual states.

Florida’s Bottom Line also refers to an article from the SunSentinel that says Florida’s economy has grown beyond trade and tourism. It’s four large industry categories include: trade,transportation and utilities; professional and business services; education and health care; and the hospitality and leisure sector. These have accounted for 80% of jobs created since Feb. 2010.

Another Florida accolade cited in the magazine says that Florida ranks 2nd as the Best State for Business according to Chief Executive Magazine, May 2016. Five hundred and thirteen CEOs ranked states that they were familiar with on workforce quality, living environment (which includes cost of living, the education system and local and state attitudes toward business) and the friendliness of the state’s tax and regulatory measures.

Other highlights noted in Florida’s Bottom Line help support the statement that 2016 was a great year for the business climate of Florida. 2017 looks bright for the business owners of Florida!